Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Blessings Abound

Hello everyone! It's the dog days of summer (can't wait until I can sing this with Florence...), and I'm entering into the final weeks of being home. I only have four more [busy] days until I leave for the Joni and Friends Family Retreat. I have been so blessed by all the family and friends who have supported me financially (and even more so in prayer!). As I mentioned in my last post, I have received more than enough support so I will be able to help other families and STMs come to the Family Retreat.

Today I thought I would share a little bit about what my schedule will look like next week. I'll be going down to Greenfield on Sunday. Sunday to Monday is orientation and training for volunteers. At this point I have no idea what kind of disabilities I will be working with, but during this time I will find out and get special training unique to the child I will be with all week. The families arrive on Tuesday, and the days will be filled with various activities, from crafts to swimming to concerts to talent shows to boating to campfires. I get a little bit of free time (breakfast, devotions, and an hour or so in the afternoon), but otherwise I will be with my child and his/her family during activities and meals. There are so many unknowns for me still, but that's part of what I'm excited about.

The number one thing I have been praying for in preparing my heart for this week is that I would be teachable and loving. Most of next week will be brand new for me because I have very limited exposure to disabilities. Many people in our world treat people with disabilities as lesser human beings (even if they do so subconsciously), and part of the reason I want to study Psychology - to understand the inner workings of these people who are made in the image of God but yet are different psychologically than me - is so that I can really understand their unique perspective on life. Although I have three years before I get a degree in that particular field, I can start on the practical stuff right now - loving without bounds.

Again, thank you for your generous support and prayers. It is appreciated more than you know!

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